The Compass Project, The Compass Club

The Comprehensive Modelling for Advanced Systems of Systems.or the COMPASS Project provides the terminology and concepts used in this document for a system of systems. This project is now closed and information about the COMPASS Project has been archived.

The COMPASS Architectural Framework Framework (CAFF) is closely aligned to the Framework for Architecture Frameworks (FAF) written by Simon Perry and Jon Holt. This CAFF is still used as the basis for the Architecture Viewpoint Definition (AVPD) work product.

Here is the final version of the COMPASS Architectural Framework Framework (CAFF) available for this work product:

Link to D21.5b Compass Architectural Framework Framework (Local): CAFF Viewpoint Definitions

Reference Materials (posted with Permission)

NOTE: The authors of the FAF below contributed to the Compass Guides

Some original information related to the earlier FAF from INCOSE UK

This book relates to the following Enterprise as a System of Systems (SoS) elements: